By Mobile OPZ
March 18, 2021
What is the Difference Between Coffins and Caskets
Are coffins and caskets the same thing?
The only true difference between a coffin and casket is the shape of the box – caskets are rectangular, and coffins are hexagonal – and their popularity regionally and over time. The terms coffin and casket may be used interchangeably, as they serve the same practical function.
The difference between the two terms refers to shape. A coffin has a distinctive, irregular, six-sided shape that is wider at the top to accommodate the shoulders of the deceased and narrower at the bottom. If you’ve seen a movie, such as a Western, set in the 1800s, you’ve likely seen a coffin because coffins were more commonly in use in the 19th century than caskets. The shape of a coffin is a cost-saving feature; initially, the bottom of the coffin was tapered in order to use less wood. “Casket” was originally a euphemistic term adopted by funeral directors to speak more gently to the grieving family members of the deceased.